Better Jobs Ontario Program

Starting a new career can be challenging for many people, especially for those on a long break from their careers. Through the Better Jobs Ontario (BJO) program (formerly referred to as the Second Career program), the Government of Ontario will assist unemployed individuals retrain so they can get back to work.

Below is a list of responses to frequently asked questions regarding BJO, including how to apply and which programs at TSOM are eligible for this program.

1. What is Better Jobs Ontario?

Better Jobs Ontario (BJO) is a Government of Ontario cost-sharing grant intended to partially fund the cost of retraining for individuals who are unable to do so themselves. This program is intended to help individuals retrain and reskill quickly and cost-effectively in order to rapidly re-enter the workforce.


2. What does the Better Jobs Ontario grant consist of?

Based on your personal profile, gross household income and the estimated associated costs of career training, recipients of this grant can receive up to $28,000 CAD.  These funds can be used to towards:

  • tuition fees
  • transportation
  • books, manuals and other educational costs
  • childcare
  • school supplies
  • electronic devices
  • essential living costs (up to $500 CAD per week)

Recipients of this grant are not required to pay these funds back to the government.


3. Who is eligible to apply for the program?

Eligible applicants for Better Jobs Ontario (BJO) are:

  • Canadian citizens or permanent residents
  • Residents of Ontario
  • Newcomers
  • Self-employed individuals
  • Unemployed individuals
  • Underemployed individuals / gig workers
  • Social assistance recipients
  • 900-series Social Insurance Number (SIN) holders (international students with a 900-series SIN are not eligible for Better Jobs Ontario)

Individuals who have been laid off due to COVID-19 and who are seeking retraining in new fields with promising job prospects, may receive additional support for their education and related expenses. People working temporary jobs to cover costs after their lay-off can qualify for BJO, providing their work hours are less than an average of 20 hours per week.

In order to be considered “eligible”, applicants also need to show their past employment history, the duration of their unemployment, cover letters and correspondence from potential employers highlighting the positions applied for, along with a current educational status. Additionally, applicants must specify their current skills, additional requirements to become employed, and the courses that would help the applicant obtain those requirements.

As of December 2020, a fast-track program was temporarily added to the BJO program. The fast-track program prioritizes workers who were laid-off as of March 1, 2020, from sectors highly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this stream is to fund shorter duration training, helping newly trained individuals re-enter the workforce faster.

*Please visit the Better Jobs Ontario Program Guidelines for eligibility details: 


4. What kind of programs can you pursue under this initiative?

Training programs that fall within the scope of the Better Jobs Ontario (BJO) program must meet the following criteria. All programs must:

  • Be vocational in nature
  • Lead to a certificate or diploma
  • Encompass all the skills and knowledge necessary to become employed in that field
  • Be designed for an occupation for which the applicant can demonstrate demand and good employment prospects in Ontario
  • Be no longer than 52 weeks in length

An exciting selection of programs offered at the Toronto School of Management (TSOM) are recognized by BJO.


5. Which programs at TSOM are eligible through Better Jobs Ontario?

TSOM offers three programs that meet the criteria for a Better Jobs Ontario (BJO) grant:

Contact [email protected] to learn more about how you can get started with these programs.


6. What kind of jobs can you apply for after completing a Better Jobs Ontario program?

The jobs that you can apply to depend on the individual’s program of study.
By pursuing a Better Jobs Ontario (BJO) program at TSOM, you will receive access to our unmatched Student Services and Career Services resources to support and guide you throughout your studies and beyond graduation, you will receive access to our in-person and online job fairs, and we will help attach you to one of our co-op partners to give you hands-on experience in the Canadian workforce.


7. What does the Better Jobs Ontario program not cover?

Better Jobs Ontario (BJO) does not cover the following costs:

  • Funding beyond the completion of the academic study period
  • Funding over the maximum limit of $28,000 CAD
  • Funding beyond 52 weeks of career retraining
  • Missed or failed courses
  • School supplies (notebooks, pencils, paper, printing costs, etc.)


8. How can I apply to this program?

To apply to the Better Jobs Ontario (BJO) program, you can request an appointment with an Employment Ontario counsellor, who will help you find an Employment Ontario agency in your community. Visit the link to make an appointment:


9. Where can I get more information about Better Jobs Ontario?

For further queries regarding the Better Jobs Ontario (BJO) requirements, application process, and applicable programs, email us at [email protected].

To book an appointment with an Employment Ontario counsellor to start your application process, please visit the Better Jobs Ontario page on the Ontario Government’s website.

Click here to learn more about the BJO applicable programs at TSOM.