Mission, Vision and Values

Our Focus

We go beyond by providing an innovative learning experience for our students through a balanced mix of theoretical and applied learning in various fields, including academic pathway opportunities with our partner institutions and professional guidance towards career experience and opportunities in esteemed corporations from Toronto and across the country.

Uniting industry expertise with peer-created curriculum to empower students in a diverse, globally focused learning environment.

Shaping global leaders through innovative, industry-driven education for transformative international and domestic career success.

Achieve educational excellence.

We are a leader in delivering academic innovation to our students. We take pride in our students’ inspiring success stories, as well as the long list of awards and recognitions our institution has garnered over the years.

Prepare for career success.

We provide a holistic academic journey for our students that spans from the classroom to the workplace. Our Career Services team ensures employability for our students by providing real-world skills, as well as networking and employment opportunities with over 100 industry-relevant co-op partners across Canada.

Empower our students.

One of our main objectives at TSOM is to support our students in their goals and ambitions. We strive to be an institution where they can fully harness their potential and build confidence to pursue their desired career paths.

Foster collaborative learning.

At TSOM, we value the importance of fostering a collaborative environment for our students. Our programs and other extracurricular activities encourage students to work together and share knowledge in order to improve their learning experience.

Uphold integrity and ethics.

TSOM is committed to upholding a high standard when it comes to the integrity of our institution and students. We believe that encouraging equality and respect and leading by example will hone our students to be reputable professionals in the future.

Cultivate a global perspective.

As an institution based in Toronto, we believe in maintaining the quality of our education and student experience on an international level. At its core, TSOM is a champion of advocating for diversity and inclusivity. By promoting these values, we help our students expand their world views, be more adaptive to the different workplace environments across the globe and become internationally competitive professionals.

“Inspired by Industry.
Driven by Student Success.”

We work with industry leaders to design and deliver innovative and career-centric programs. We work tirelessly to provide students with the right combination of academic excellence and practical hands-on experience, educating ambitious people to take their careers further.

How we do it…

At TSOM, the way we do things is as important as what we do. We provide an inspiring, innovative and positive environment for our students, and all of our tutors have extensive practical experience to share.


Our highest priority is the future success of our students.


We are committed to offering courses that go above and beyond the rest.


Our collaboration with businesses means that we are always creating new ways to teach students relevant skills.


We believe that diversity is a source of strength, and we protect the rights and dignity of our students and staff.