These days, employers are looking for graduates with not just the education but also the competitive skills to make them effective members of the organization. If you’re just starting your job hunt, we’ve got you covered! In this blog, we’ll discuss some top examples of the skills you need to highlight on your resume to land your dream job in 2022.
In your resume, you can highlight your core competencies and related skills to enhance your chances of landing your desired job. Especially now that big adjustments are happening in various industries due to recent global situations, it’s important to keep up with the times. Here are some of the top skills hiring managers may keep an eye on:
Effective Communication
With so many positions moving to remote work environments, the primary form of contact shifts to emails, video calls, and online chats. This requires elevated communication skills for employees, especially because the lack of in-person interactions cuts out a chunk of communication that is portrayed through body language. Therefore, extra effort in virtual communication is required for a more precise engagement. Demonstrate your communications skills with a standardized cover letter, and make sure to review and edit your email before hitting send. For interviews, make sure to research the company in advance and take notes on what makes the company stand out to you and why you want to work there. Prepare clear and concise questions to ask and practice answers to potential questions to avoid lots of “Um…” and “Uh…” Make sure to actively listen so you can understand and answer the question correctly and quickly.
Problem Solving & Adaptability
If there’s one thing the pandemic has taught us, it’s that change comes quickly, and being able to adapt to change is a key asset in the type of employee that companies are looking for. Not shying away from creative thinking and problem solving means a company can rely on you to help them adapt to anything difficult situations can throw at them. Can you think of a time when you were able to solve a problem, even in a school project or in a work setting? Make a list of times when you have demonstrated quick thinking and creative problem solving so you have them fresh in your mind come interview time.
Willingness to Learn (Being Teachable)
For recent graduates, employers are keenly interested in your capacity to grow into any new role you are applying for, and your willingness to learn in that position. Being open to feedback and learning on the job is something most employers are looking for—they want to know if they can mold the right candidate for the job. Do you read books or blogs in your field of interest? Take extra courses? Do you participate in any clubs/activities relevant to your work? Interest in your new role will show someone who is eager and excited about their work; someone who an employer can rely on to stay engaged and continue to develop in their role.
Time Management
Outside of school, deadlines and due dates do not end! Companies are looking for people who can manage their time wisely so that targets and deadlines are met, and projects are completed when they need to be. Consider a time you might have been overwhelmed with lots of projects, tests, or work. How did you manage your time? What was the result? Being able to show that you can manage your time is very important to employers in a lot of different fields.
With these skills on your resume, you’ll be ready to stand out from the crowd for any job opportunity you apply for in 2022. For more information and tips on finding the job for you, contact the Toronto School of Management’s Career Services Team at [email protected].